Thank you for supporting my Creative Memories business -- it was such a surprise to be recognized in the "Top Sales" and "Top Recruiting" categories from August-January! Wow! I received two Creative Memories Albums as a 'recognition reward'. I couldn't have done this without YOU! Aren't they beautiful?! (Teal and Pink Lemonade)
CM's Mini Convention was located in a gorgeous Northwest Lodge in the state of Washington...we were greeted with a fun coloring sheet and sweet treats at our seat. We also received product samples and business/product tip handouts. (I found the Starbucks on my own, wink wink.)
Sue shared her creative ideas on using our Border Maker System. We each brought our own and had some hands-on workshop time to play around!
I was excited to break mine in and finally start using it! Did you know that the cartridges can also double as punches? They do not have to be attached to the Border Maker to punch.
CM's Mini Convention was located in a gorgeous Northwest Lodge in the state of Washington...we were greeted with a fun coloring sheet and sweet treats at our seat. We also received product samples and business/product tip handouts. (I found the Starbucks on my own, wink wink.)
We heard from the Home Office and from our local area speakers. One of my favorites was Eileen who completed 8 albums in 1 year using our Fast2Fab (predecorated) albums!! She loves them as much as I do:
I was excited to break mine in and finally start using it! Did you know that the cartridges can also double as punches? They do not have to be attached to the Border Maker to punch.
I was asked to speak about using social media in business. That was fun because what little I know, I learned from my teenagers! They keep me young, haha!
One of the things I love most about Creative Memories is the people. There is no "hype" and "pressure to perform" -- it is just a group of ladies (and lads) who love their photos, love family stories, love to celebrate the past and give hope for the future through photo albums. About as down-to-earth as these pretty flowers....

The highlight of the day for me was spending time with Carla and getting to know her better. Carla joined my team over a year ago and loves Creative Memories! And no, we did not plan to both wear purple...we just naturally coordinated (which will make a great page spread, haha!). We enjoyed several hours of "workshop" time after the convention part was over. We cropped til we dropped!
Our next Pacific Northwest Mini Convention will be in Seattle area this August. I'm already looking forward to it!! I am taking this mental picture because I imagine by August we will have many more CM Advisors joining us. Until further notice, CREATIVE MEMORIES IS BACK!